We have met in Lisbon, Portugal, to hold an event regarding the crucial topic of Euroscepticism. This event was held with the support of ISG, Instituto Business and Economic School of Lisbon.

The main aim of this project was encouraging active citizenship at EU level, through actions that light up the advantages of civic and democratic participation. The specific objectives of the project are: Challenge Euroscepticism; Raise awareness regarding EU decision making process; Fostering opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement & Setting up a sustainable cooperation network.
Feel Happy from Discovery
"If you know who you are as a citizen, you must be willing to know your purpose as a EU citizen as well.”
The third meeting of the project was held in June 2019, in Lisbon, capital of Portugal. It was an important step in the project development, which enabled partners to meet, in person, in order to discuss and work on the theme: The Future of Europe, approaching the White Paper on the Future of Europe and discussing the reality and the impacts of each scenario.
Day One
During the first day we held a seminar at ISG, the Business and Economics School, in Lisbon, a well-known higher education institute, mainly for their reach and action towards the rights and the future of students in Europe. This seminar was attended by all international participants, students from various universities and the Portuguese team from CommitmentPlanet.
During three and a half ours, with coffee break, we counted with the presentation of the general project by the project coordinator, Lucian Corubuta, followed by an introduction to this event and the main aspects and objectives by the Portuguese coordinator.
After, the speaker and head of the political team on the European Comission of Portugal, Dr. João Faria gave us a detailed introduction to the White Paper and the specifics of every of the Five Scenarios drawn on the document.
Finally, the director of ISG, Dra. Teresa Damásio came to elaborate her vision towards the implementation of an educative system which allows and improves euro citizenship of students, through a digital network and the awareness of civil responsibility.
Last, but not least, the president of the students committee of the Technology Institute of Lisbon, as well as one of our team members at CommitmentPlanet association, gave us their testimony on civil responsibility and the vision of a global, more digital era, were politics can speak to youth in “the same language”.
Finished the session, all project participants went for a typical Portuguese lunch, followed by a hotel break and a Five Case Scenarios tour, were we presented five choices, more focused on technological areas, landmarks, multicultural trails, history focused tours and together we decided to pursue with traditions and the historical tour, which lead us to Belém.
The day ended with a traditional Portuguese dinner of Bacalhau com Natas and a gather at the hotel.
Day Two
“Tell your story as your country would.”
On the second morning we had a workshop with all project participants, again at ISG in Lisbon. At this meeting we pursued the second item on the event agenda: a SWOT analysis on the Five Case Scenarios described on the White Paper. This started with a presentation and explanation of a SWOT analysis, conducted by our two team members Maria and Ricardo, both Marketing and Managing professionals.
Followed the presentation there was a moment of discussion and reflection in general about the Five Case Scenarios and the words said at the seminar, on the previous day. The participants stopped for coffee break. This was followed by a separation into five teams, one for each scenario, evaluating the perks and prejudices of the internal and external effects of each scenario.
Finally, the rest of the day was designed to understand Lisbon’s history and the development of the historical areas, mainly through the action of creating new places and the perks for incubators and start-ups in Portugal, mainly attracting European Citizens. There was a tour through the area were Fado, our musical genre declared as Cultural Landmark by ONU. After this we held a coordinators meeting.
Lastly, a dinner at a local restaurant owned by a Fado singer and guitar playing artists, whom regarded us with a musical night.
Day Three
On the third day of the event in Lisbon we met at the hotel were the participants stayed and went on a tour in Sintra, a natural landmark near the City of Lisbon with a microclimate of its own. This way time was spent on knowing the reality of the small cities around the capital, their traditions, history and how Portuguese people’s lives developed until this day.
After this we head to the hotel, some participants already had a flight to catch. To the remaining participants was given a free afternoon to go around town. Finally, we met for a restaurant at a typical Portuguese landmark, with Fado and traditional food. At this moment we exchanged gifts and words about the impact and the importance of the project. We reflected and decided on ideas for the upcoming events.

To know more about the project Old Towns, New Results, please go to: https://proiecteeuropenevictoria.ro/old-towns-new-results/